
Book Freak #13: How To Make Yourself Valuable To Others


Advice for being useful to other people

Book Freak is one of four newsletters from Cool Tools Lab (our other three are the Cool Tools Newsletter, Recomendo, and What’s in my bag?).

In this issue of Book Freak: advice for being useful to other people.

Solve problems for people
“When you solve problems and satisfy needs, you put yourself in a unique position. You’re doing something for the customer that he isn’t used to getting from others. The others are simply going along, taking orders, doing what they’re asked to do. They aren’t looking for ways to be of greater value, so they don’t enjoy greater income and opportunities.”
— Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World

Adopt the craftsman mindset
“If you want to love what you do, abandon the passion mindset (‘what can the world offer me?’) and instead adopt the craftsman mindset (‘what can I offer the world?’)”
― Cal Newport, So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Focus on the people who love you
“No matter who you are, no matter what you do, no matter who your audience is: 30 percent will love it, 30 percent will hate it, and 30 percent won’t care. Stick with the people who love you and don’t spend a single second on the rest. Life will be better that way.”
― James Altucher, Choose Yourself


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