
Banana Guard

Better banana protection

Most parents would agree that the venerable banana is a staple of the toddler diet. Unfortunately, they tend to not to fare very well when tossed into a diaper bag filled with wipes, water bottles, and the other dizzying array of items that have to be hauled around everywhere with your little ones. The Banana Guard makes this problem go away completely.

We were given one of these shortly after our daughter was born, and two years later, it goes everywhere with us. The sturdy, BPA-free container protects bananas in even the most overstuffed of diaper bags, and there’s something particularly ingenious about the size and shape: I’ve yet to encounter a banana that didn’t fit.

The ventilation holes help keep the banana fresh, and while the locks can be opened fairly easily, they won’t accidentally pop open if the bag is tossed about, or if the guard is discovered by a curious toddler.

Of course, this isn’t just for kids. When I eat bananas on the go the Banana Guard is the answer. The $15 price tag is perhaps a little steep, but the guard is definitely built to last and in the long run probably costs less than all the bananas you might lose otherwise.

-- Darin Wilson 08/27/10

(Note: The price dropped significantly on this item. Though similar to the previously reviewed and slightly cheaper Banana Bunker, several reviewers and commenters pointed out that the Banana Guard is an improved and thus more banana-friendly case for your precious and easily bruised golden cargo.-- OH — editors)


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