
Bernz-O-Matic Micro Flame Butane Torch Kit


Torch for hobby and household use

I’ve had this torch for several years now. The reason I like this torch over the many out there is that it has attachments for the front. The one I prefer the most is the heat gun attachment. When used this way, the flame is initially used to make the element glow red hot, then you cut the flame and the gas itself maintains the heating element. This enables me to have just enough instant hot air to shrink the heat shrink tubing on my electronics projects. It doesn’t take up nearly as much room as a plug in heat gun (or make as much noise). Plus, it’s refillable with butane. The flame is nice as well, it sometimes comes with us on family camping trips. It’s plenty to “cut” and fuse synthetic rope and start camp fires.

The torch stays on my electronics work bench most of the time. It also has a soldering attachment as well, which I imagine I would use if the power ever went out or if I was working in a location without easy access to power. However, I’ve never used this feature yet.

-- Alex Perry 11/8/16

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