
Best Pneumatic Engraver and Vise for Beginners

Getting Started With Engraving

Pneumatic Burin Engraver ($200-$5,000)

Engraving Block 5-inch Ball Vise ($120)

Links mentioned:
Steve Lindsay Engraving Tools

Shaun Hughes Engraving videos

“I’m just beginning with engraving and just learning, but it’s been really fascinating to learn about engravers and how people use them and what different tools are available out there.

You know, initially what people did for this hand engraving stuff is they would either just physically push the chisel through the metal or they would have an engraver that they tapped with what’s called a “chasing hammer”. It’s a tiny little hammer with a long handle that you just “tap, tap, tap, tap, tap…” and you move your hand around.

But times have changed. Technology has updated and now there are pneumatic systems. You hook one up to an air compressor and there’s a piston inside that goes back and forth with the air so that you can do the work of the hammer and chisel with one hand and hold the work in the other hand in a specialized vice.”

-- Caleb Kraft 08/12/19

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