B’laster Small Engine Tune-Up

Smoothes engine performance in lawnmower and chainsaw engines
Almost everything I know about motors I’ve learned from Clik and Clak on Car Talk. And one thing they taught me was that any cures in a can are pure snake oil. But over the winter I picked up a can of Fabulous B’Laster Small Engine-Tune Up ($8) at the hardware store because I have had such good luck with their PB Blaster penetrating oil. And wow, this stuff works great. My leaf blower had been stalling out or bogging down since they day I got it three years ago. Following the instructions I sprayed some in to the carb and it has been purring like a kitten since. I used it on my chain saw as well. This is an incredibly handy thing to have in your shop.
07/2/18B'laster Lawnmower Tune-Up, 11-Ounces ($8)