
Brady Forrest, MobileCoin

Show and Tell #337: Brady Forrest

Brady Forrest is the Head of Business Development at MobileCoin, a privacy-protecting payment coin that is available worldwide in Signal Messenger. Working with his wife, he runs Ignite Talks, a global talk series which has been held thousands of times around the world including at SXSW, Google, the Gates Foundation and the White House. Brady is on the Board of CAST, a non-profit that buys and manages buildings for arts organizations in SF and Oakland. He’s also on the Board of Ideas Beyond Borders, an organization devoted to translating and promoting ideas that foster critical thinking, science and civil rights in the Middle East. Most years you can find him at Burning Man. Previously he was in media at O’Reilly Media and was an investor at PCH/Highway1 and Khosla Ventures. You can find him on Twitter @brady.

0:00 – Intro
1:17 – Tonal smart gym
9:58 – Z Biotics
14:04 – Shiftpod tents
20:33 – Peter Attia online doctor
23:58 – MobileCoin


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