Burning Man / Capture Your Style
Books That Belong On Paper Issue No. 30
Books That Belong On Paper first appeared on the web as Wink Books and was edited by Carla Sinclair. Sign up here to get the issues a week early in your inbox.

Burning Man — The World’s Biggest Playground
by Peter Armenia
2016, 56 pages, 8.5 x 8.5 inches, Hardcover
If you agree with Plato’s assertion that life should be lived as play, then what better place to test that idea than a playground? Playgrounds have sadly been remaindered to the province of schools, parks and childhood memories. Play is typically associated with children, yet thinkers and creators as diverse as Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Sigmund Freud affirm the value of play for everybody.
Photographer and author Peter Armenia vividly addresses this same truism with his children’s picture book, Burning Man — The World’s Biggest Playground. The Burning Man Festival in Black Rock City, Nevada is an annual gathering that attracts all types of artists, musicians and anyone else with something unique to build, share or express in a celebration of virtues such as creativity, individuality and “radical inclusion.” All are welcome to stay and to play, creating a temporary community in which everyone contributes to a shared experience of active imagining.
Armenia succeeds in conveying the essence of Burning Man to young readers with vibrant images and friendly, accessible text in a variety of fonts and colors that emphasizes the essential joy and whimsy defining Burning Man. This attractive and engaging book stands as a simple invitation for child and adult alike: come out and play.
– Lee Hollman

Capture Your Style: Transform Your Instagram Photos, Showcase Your Life, and Build the Ultimate Platform
by Aimee Song
Harry N. Abrams
2016, 208 pages, 8.0 x 0.5 x 8.1 inches, Paperback
With over 4.3 million followers, Aimee Song is certainly the Instagram expert. Her debut book, Capture Your Style, aims to teach readers how to transform their Instagram photos, showcase their life, and build the ultimate platform.
Whether you’re into snapping stylish outfits, delectable food, awe-inspiring architecture, or wanderlust-inducing travels, this book covers them all. With sections about editing photos, hashtags versus geotags, curating the ultimate grid, working with brands, and pricing (just to name a few), Song’s publication is the all-in-one guide for those wanting to ‘up their Instagame’.
Add-in pages upon pages of beautifully curated photographs from Song’s own Instagram feed and you’ve got yourself a publication that isn’t just educational, but pretty inspiring too.
This is a must-read for individuals interested in pursuing the platform more seriously, particularly those who are bloggers or wishing to become social media influencers.
– Melanie Doncas