Folex Spot Remover

Removes wine, ink, pet stains, dirt, food spills, and more
If your cupboards are cluttered with stain removers for different types of fabric and different types of stains, throw them all away and get a bottle of Folex. I’ve been using this stuff for 10+ years and it is amazing. Mostly billed as a carpet spot remover, I’ve successfully used it on clothing, furniture, and shoes as well as wool rugs… it works on pretty much anything. I’ve removed wine, ink, pet stains, dirt, food spills, and more.
I won’t go into detail on the epically gross kid messes I’ve cleaned up with this, but it saved my cream-colored wool rug from going straight to the dump more than once. If you have light-colored furniture that’s getting grimy, you can spray it with Folex and then blot to get up the dirt and make it look like new. You just squirt it on, wait a minute, and stains disappear like magic.
Occasionally if the stain is particularly difficult you’ll need to blot and reapply. I’ve never had it damage or discolor any fibers. As an added bonus, it’s non-toxic and doesn’t have an odor.
A 32-oz. bottle lasts me years, but you can also buy a gallon jug of it at home improvement stores.
02/10/21Folex Carpet Spot Remover, 32 oz