
Google Drive Camera Scanning


Scan business cards with your smart phone

This is a specific function of the Google Drive application for Android. There is a “scan” button that lets you take a photograph of a document and uploads it to your Drive folder (formerly Google Docs).

I have used this for the past year, mainly to scan in business cards. When I put the card against a contrasting color surface, the app automatically detects the edges and crops the image to just the card. If the crop is inaccurate, I can fine tune the selection by hand (there is a very satisfying feeling as you drag the edge and it snaps to detected edges in the image). Best of all, Drive’s OCR lets me search these images by text content, such as name, email address, company, etc.

This has enabled me to go paperless with respect to business contacts. I can access these cards from my phone or any computer with internet access. I can toss cards soon after receiving them with peace of mind.

I prefer this tool over specialized business card scanners, which cost money and take up space. CamScanner is a nice alternative with more image processing tools; the trade-off for this is an extra step in getting those scans up into the cloud. Drive’s scanner is a great fire-and-forget, no-cost, no-file-handling way to scan in a bunch of business cards from any location.

-- David Lee 04/13/15

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