
John Edgar Park – Producer at Disney Research

John Edgar Park - Cool Tools Show #28

This week we invited our friend John Edgar Park to discuss the tools and apps that simplify and enhance his daily life. John is a Producer at Disney Research and a writer for such outlets as Make, Boing Boing, and Adafruit Learning. John also has a knack for building, making and tinkering and uses his perspective as a creator to apply these tools to life’s everyday challenges. We hope you enjoy this latest episode of the Cool Tools Show.

Show Notes:

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Behmor 1600 Coffee Roaster $370

“What this thing offers is fairly brainless operation. It looks like a toaster oven and has a rotisserie drum inside. There’s a motor turning the drum slowly to keep the beans agitated. It has little paddles inside the cage to keep the beans from falling in a pattern. It has two big halogen heating lamps in the back of the unit.  ”

QuickRes $5

“This is a little dock icon that lets you pick the resolution on the Macbook screen. You can pick any of a dozen resolutions that are good for the retina display, or you can set it up so that at  the press of a button it will flip between two or three different presets that you’ve chosen.”

Wooden Gymnastics Rings $33

“I’ve started using gym rings instead of a pull up bar or almost any other equipment to do things like dips. I also drop them way down to the ground and do push-ups on them. You’ll wobble like crazy, and that forces you to engage all types of stabilizing muscles.”

6” Digital Calipers $13

“I don’t know why I went so long without having these, but I got a few years ago. It’s a really cheap set of digital calipers that can measure up to 6 inches of inside diameter, or outside diameter, or the depth of something. It has a depth gage tail that swings out as you roll the head of the thing along the shaft. It has a digital read out. You can switch between inches and millimeters.”


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