
Life Free in Sardinia/South America Flights/Best 25 TV Shows

Nomadico issue #73

A weekly newsletter with four quick bites, edited by Tim Leffel, author of A Better Life for Half the Price and The World’s Cheapest Destinations. See past editions here, where your like-minded friends can subscribe and join you.

Live in Sardinia Rent-free

If you’ve got advanced knowledge about a subject and don’t mind sharing, a small village in Sardinia is ready to put you up and pay you to come there, working out residency in the process. The requirements look rather broad, so if Italian island living would suit you, see the details here.

Positive Environmental Impacts of Working From Home

While execs are trying to get people to come back to an office—hey somebody has to help out those poor real estate billionaires—this academic study found that working from home goes a long way toward saving the planet. Hybrid workers who spend one day at home only cut 2% of their energy use, but full-time remote workers were found to reduce their emissions by 54%. Here’s a less dense summary of the findings.

More Flight Options in South America

While getting around countries in South America is usually easy, getting from one of them to another has typically been difficult by air. The big carriers like Avianca and LATAM have had a lock for a long time but we’re starting to finally see more options. The most notable is Sky Airlines, based in Santiago. They currently fly to Argentina (3 locations), Colombia, and Peru. Next year they are adding Uruguay and Brazil. See the destinations here.

The Best 25 Shows From 25 Years of TV

Looking for a series to watch that is really worth watching? Here’s the Rotten Tomatoes critics’ list of the best 25 TV shows from the past 25 years. Now you’ve just got to sign up for a handful of different streaming services or go full-on pirate mode to actually watch them, but HBO has the most.


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