
LifeStat Emergency Pocket Airway

Emergency tracheotomy tube

My doctor told me about this tracheotomy tube when I was putting together an expanded medical/first aid kit for a cabin in the middle of nowhere in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. In the winter up there, 3 – 4 feet of snow is common and it’s a mile+ out to the road, so we need to be prepared if something goes wrong. Yes, it would take a little guts to use this (there are clear instructions that come with it), but if someone was turning blue there’s not a doubt in the world I could jam it home.

-- Corey D. Gimbel 03/25/09

(A January 2008 study at UC Davis Medical Center evaluating the safety of this device concluded: "The LifeStat device provides a relatively safe and effective means of performing emergency cricothyrotomy. The majority of emergency situations in which the device was deployed occurred in hospital settings." -- SL — editors)


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