
Monthly Rentals Abroad/Digital Passports in Wallet/Amtrak Rider Record

Nomadico issue #134

A weekly newsletter with four quick bites, edited by Tim Leffel, author of A Better Life for Half the Price and The World’s Cheapest Destinations. See past editions here, where your like-minded friends can subscribe and join you.

Finding a Place to Rent Abroad

I wish I could send you to a magic website that would lay out all the one- to three-month rental options any place in the world and you could book any of them while lounging in your bathrobe. Unfortunately, that only works if you’re willing to spend the market maximum through Airbnb or Vrbo, sites that are geared to vacationers. Eventually, if you’re going to find a rental rate anywhere close to what local residents are paying, you’ll probably need boots on the ground and maybe some local help. Here’s my take; chime in with your experiences in the comments.

Digital Passports in Google Wallet Accepted

As of this week, Android phone users can keep their passports tucked away when heading through airports in 27 U.S. states, a number that should keep growing, if they have gone through the proper steps to upload their passport to Google Wallet. You can see all the official details here, which include a passport chip scan and a selfie for facial recognition. The airports participating include some of the biggest, like LAX, O’Hare, DFW, and the two in NYC.

A Record Year for Amtrak

Sure, train travel in the USA is a slow joke compared to much of Europe and Asia, but the number of Amtrak riders has never been higher. More people rode American trains than ever this year and slowly but surely the options are improving. Several states will see new lines open in 2025, including New Orleans to Mobile, and some improvements to creaky infrastructure are on the way. See more details here.

Hotel Credit Cards Top Airline Ones

We are spending seven nights in nice hotel rooms that we didn’t pay for on this current trip, all thanks to hotel chain loyalty points racked up from credit card usage. Loyalty points from airlines are generally worth more if you believe the websites that obsess over the subject (up to 1.65 cents each), but the hotel chain ones are exponentially easier to earn and redeem. My Hilton Surpass Amex earns 6X points on dining, groceries, and gas, while my IHG Rewards Mastercard pays 5X on those and sends me a complimentary hotel night certificate each year upon renewal. Plus you get elite status and the sign-up bonuses are huge.


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