Pentel Side FX Mechanical Pencil

Pencil with dial-up eraser and easy lead advancement
I’ve used this for at least 3 years. I like this mechanical pencil for 3 reasons:
First it has the big twist eraser like the Pentel Twisterase, so you have a good sized eraser on hand that can be adjusted as needed. Second, it opens in the middle to refill the (standard) 0.5 lead, much simplifying the operation. Third, the lead advance is also on the side of the pencil, making it easy to use as you write or draw. Also comes in 0.7 size.
It is inexpensive. About $3.00 at Walmart, and available practically everywhere. Not a draftsman’s pencil certainly, but for all around use I’ve found them to be handier than other pencils I have used, and quite durable. Haven’t broken one yet, and I use them for everything from doodling to sketching to whatever. A good, cheap and useful tool.
09/15/15Pentel Side FX Mechanical Pencil $27 for 12 pencils