Shirtpocket database of tech info

People who make things keep one of these little books in their truck, one in their tool box, and one in their office. Its tiny pages are crammed with dense tables, charts, lists, codes, conversion formulas–more than 500 pages of numbers, yet it fits into a real pocket. What is the friction rate of water in a one inch pipe? What’s cubic feet per second in liters per minute? The country code for Turkey? The voltage drop of number 12 wire over 100 feet? The shear strength of Eastern White Pine? The insulation value of carpeting? You get the idea; it has the numbers for everything, and 95 percent of them found nowhere else (of the web), and no where else in one handy place.

— KK

Pocket Ref
Thomas J. Glover
2010 (4th edition), 864 pages

Pocket Ref site



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