Quick definitions/Best exchange rates/Wayback extension

Recomendo: issue no. 136
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Quick definitions
You can easily look up the meaning of words by entering define:word in your browser’s search bar, like this define:doryphore. — MF
Best exchange rates
It’s been true for a while, but some travellers don’t realize that the best currency exchange rates you’ll get will be at a local ATM, even with a fee. It is also by far the most convenient way to change money. I’ve gotten local currency from my debit card in every country I have visited (though not every local ATM will accept foreign cards — look for American credit card logos on the machine as a sign that it will.) I raised the limit on the ATM card to its max since this is my only source of currency. — KK
Wayback chrome extension
The Internet Archive has a chrome extension for their Wayback Machinethat has become essential to my browsing. I can search through previous versions, lookup domain info and traffic statistics, and I can even look at public tweets linking back to the website. — CD
Candid money talk
For me, this article on Lifehacker was less about how to make more money and more about how other people are budgeting their income. Five different people share their spending, goals, plans and advice about finances. It’s really refreshing to have a candid conversation about money, even if I wasn’t the one participating in it. Another article about money I found interesting this week was this one in Fast Company. — CD
Best stain remover
Tipped off by the comprehensive research at America’s Test Kitchen, I’ve found that the best — really the only — stain remover for laundry that really works is sodium percarbonate, which is a powder you need to mix in water before each use. (No liquid spray works nearly as well.) You then soak garments for 6 hours and wash. It completely removes just about any food stain, even stale ones. There are generic versions available but a proven brand of percarbonate is OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover. — KK
DIY haircuts
I’ve been cutting my own hair since I was in college. I’ve used a lot of different electric hair trimmers, but just recently I got one that has ceramic coated blades. It clips hair much more efficiently than plain steel blades. As a bonus, this one is cordless, making it easier to maneuver. — MF