
Quick Fix Contest

When things break down it’s not likely you’ll have the tools needed to make a perfect fix. That’s why for ...

When things break down it’s not likely you’ll have the tools needed to make a perfect fix. That’s why for this week’s contest we are looking for quick fixes. These aren’t meant to be perfect, but rather stop-gaps that will let you get by until you have the resources needed for a longer term solution.

Send us your tools, tips, and accumulated know-how that allow for quick fixes when things break down. For this contest we have a special prize pack graciously contributed by Jane ni Dhulchaointigh, inventor of the quick-fix wonder-material Sugru. The winner of the Quick Fix Contest will receive three Smart Hacks Super Packs of Sugru, and a special Maker themed T-Shirt. Runner up will receive their own Sugru Super Pack. Be sure to check out Sugru’s gallery of uses for inspiration.


There is no limit to how many tools, tips, and quick fixes you can submit, but remember to keep the following five parts in mind:

1) a succinct description of what the tool/tip/fix is,
2) how it changed your behavior,
3) why Cool Tools should run it,
4) why it is superior, and
5) why we should believe you.

Submissions will be accepted until Wednesday, May 11th. This time the author of the most publishable tool/tip/fix will receive three Sugru Super Packs (or, if they’d like somethin else they can choose what they’d like from the Prize Pool).

For inspiration, here are some previously reviewed Quick Fix Cool Tools:
Gorilla Tape
Shoe Goo
Superglue Stitches
Tongue Depressors

Get fixing!

— Oliver Hulland, Editor, Cool Tools


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