Ragmask/Advanced internet security/Personal-size heater

Recomendo: issue no. 195
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DIY facemask
There’s a lot of back-and-forth about the effectiveness of facemasks to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The ragmask is one you can make on your own by following the PDF instructions. It looks more comfortable than wrapping a bandana around your face. — MF
Advanced internet security
Some folks such as journalists, activists, tech executives, crypto fans, and politicians may need more online security beyond the already strong 2-factor authentication they should be using. Google offers an Advance Protection Program for the legitimately paranoid. — KK
Personal mini-heater
I work best if my office room temperature is at least 74 degrees Fahrenheit or more (and I can’t be the only one, read: “Women want the office to be warmer. Science now backs them up”). The days of arguing with my husband over the thermostat are over, because I bought myself this AmazonBasics mini heater ($20), and now this perfect-sized, 500-watt heater sits on top of my desk and keeps me warm while I work, and this is my favorite thing right now. — CD
Don’t mute, get a good headset
We are all Zooming, Skyping, Webexing, Google hanging. Nothing will increase the quality of a video conference better than having a good mic pointed at everyone’s mouth. The least expensive way to get a good mic is with a headset. Lightweight ones don’t have to look dorky. It’s what I use. Which headset should you get today? Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress, whose entire 900-person company has worked remotely for a decade, outdid Wirecutter in trying out and testing all USB headsets. He posted his work and recommendations here on his blog post, Don’t Mute. — KK
Get comfortable with uncertainty
I’ve had this book (Comfortable with Uncertainty by Pema Chödrön) for years but find myself pulling it off the shelf more in the last month than ever before. You don’t need to be a meditation expert or Buddhist to appreciate the message. Each chapter is a short lesson in self-compassion and awareness, designed to make you comfortable with uncertainty. It is one of those books you can open to any page and find wisdom. There is a Kindle version, but I think it belongs in everyone’s library. — CD
Easy-clean litter box
One of our cats is getting too old to comfortably hop into our Clevercat litter box, so I needed to get a litterbox with a low profile so she could easily get in and out of. I ended up buying this one (Pet Mate 42036 Arm & Hammer Large Sifting Litter Pan) that has a plastic screen so you can clean the litter without a scoop. It works surprisingly well! – MF