Tool Chest

Rockwell Compact Circular Saw


Lightweight and compact circular saw

I had to renovate our shed last year, and the old 7.25-inch circular saw I had was loaned out to a friend and never returned. I bought this Rockwell compact 4.5 inch circular saw to replace it, and I have used it on several projects since then. It made quick work of the plywood I had to cut to size to replace the rotten plywood, and it cut the 2x4s and 1x4s easily as well.

What makes it so much better than a regular circular saw is that it is about half the weight and size of a regular circular saw which makes it much easier to handle and use. If you are making a long cut in sheet goods, for example, the light weight makes it a lot easier to move through the material. You can even use it one handed. Try that with a regular circular saw. It is just way less intimidating of a tool than a regular circular saw. It is less powerful in terms of amps, but the blade is not as thick as a regular blade so it easily powers through 2×4’s, 2×6’s, and sheet goods.

It comes with a metal track/guide to allow you to make long rip cuts with ease. It also comes with a dust port insert if you wish to use a dust collection vacuum. The Rockwell site says it can replace a regular 7 1/4″ circular saw for both DIYers and pros. I would say it is definitely a great saw for the DIYer and possibly the professional to use for trim and light duty tasks. A pro would probably rather use his or her worm drive HD circular saw for most cuts. You can find it at most online sites. The local Home Depot did not carry it in-store, but they did have it for sale online. It does not come with a bag or box, but I stuck mine in a DeWalt contractor’s bag that I had leftover from a previous tool

-- Justin La Mar 06/26/17

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