
Scan Objects in 3D Using Your Phone

Scandy Pro for iOS

Tool: Scandy Pro for iOS

Guest: Sophy Wong
Twitter: @sophywong


“So today I wanted to talk about an app that I’ve been using for some 3D printing projects and it’s called Scandy Pro. It allows you to use your phone as a 3D scanner. I’ve been scanning people’s heads and then 3D printing them. The resolution’s pretty great. “

“What’s been useful in using the app is pairing it with my iPad. That is a huge tip for getting a good scan with this app and the reason I recommend doing that is Scandy Pro uses the front facing camera. So when you’re scanning the person or the object, you have to hold the phone away from you so you can’t see the screen as your scanning it. But the app allows you to pair the phone with an iPad and use that iPad as another display. So you can scan and you’re looking at the iPad display make sure you’re getting all of the surfaces. Anytime you lose tracking you can glance over at the iPad to make sure you’re getting everything lining up properly in the app. It takes about took me about three to five minutes to move 360 degrees around my husband’s head, and it took a few tries to get a nice clean scan, but it did work. “


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