
Simply Vegan

Best vegan cookbooks

Simply Vegan is perfect for beginning vegans because it has specific sections on how to be a healthy vegan, as opposed to a “Fritos and Sprite” vegan.

It goes into sources for proteins, minerals, has ready-to-go weekly shopping lists, and daily meal lists, so if you’re getting into veganism you can do it safely and intelligently with a minimal amount of work (just buy the stuff on the shopping list and cook it). I went vegan at 14 (and have been vegan 14 years so far) and my parents made me sell them on the idea of being healthy sans animal products. At first the task seemed incredibly daunting, but once I found Simply Vegan I had all the answers. And these days my folks are mostly vegan as well.


I won’t say the recipes in this book are the best ever – they certainly can’t hold a candle to much of Veganomicon — but if you know your way around some spices there’s no better book that I’ve found which covers the nutritive bases and really can set a new vegan on the right path to whole health.

-- Ian Hall 03/1/10

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