
Snow Peak Collapsible Coffee Dripper


Lightweight pour-over

I bought the Snow Peak folding coffee dripper ($29) three years ago as I wished to brew coffee while traveling where good coffee is often hard to find or expensive. After studying the various different models of travel coffee makers on the market I settled on the Snow Peak version for these reasons:

  • It folds almost totally flat, meaning it can be folded away to fit in a luggage pocket.
  • It is fairly lightweight. At 4.9 oz the drip isn’t ultralight, but I am willing to carry that extra weight due to its usefulness.
  • The stainless steel construction is robust and food safe. I find that continuous use of those plastic coffee drips can warp the material and I am dubious about which plastics they are constructed from. After using the Snow Peak drip I can wash it and it looks as good a new. Occasionally I have dropped the drip from waist height and there has been no damage.
  • The dripper takes a standard flat paper coffee filter (I prefer the no. 2 size) which can be found worldwide. My favorite brand is Melitta. One can also use the pointed Hario style cone filters, but the filters used in coffee machines will not fit.
  • I enjoy the taste of filter coffee more than espresso brew style or a coffee press.
  • The Snow Peak drip is a beautiful object which I appreciated which when felt and used, one senses that there has been a greater consideration in the design.

Very quickly after purchasing the Snow Peak coffee drip I started using it every day at home as well as traveling. My girlfriend also uses it daily so it brews roughly four cups a day. The drip has brewed over four thousand cups so far and operates and looks as if it is new.

Drip coffee is not a fast method of brewing coffee, but I enjoy the slowness. If I could change one thing about the drip it would be the steel construction. Snow Peak is a brand known for their innovative use of titanium, so it would be great to see the coffee drip is offered in that material. I presume the drip would maintain the strength but would be lighter.

There are now multiple travel style coffee makers on the market at the moment and I would be happy to use another if it fulfills my criteria better then the Snow Peak version, but I have yet to find a travel coffee drips which competes.

-- Oisin 09/11/18

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