General Purpose Tools


Easy-to-grip moving belt

I picked up my first Strap-A-Handle while helping my brother move into his dorm room. Before we got started, I saw these for sale outside his building. It’s an adjustable strap rated for 50-lb loads with a comfortable, built-in handle on top. It helped eliminate numerous trips to and from our car, and allowed me to walk up the four flights of stairs and navigate his winding hallways with ease. You just wrap it around the box(es), clip it and go. It’s more expensive than DIY Box Handles, but obviously, it requires no assembly and can be reused. I let my brother keep the one we initially bought, and when I left his dorm I bought two more — one for my mom to use when shopping to help carry cases of soda and water, and the other one’s in the glove compartment of my car. I’ve since discovered a bunch of ways to use it to help eliminate carrying awkward-shaped items or items in bulk, including a PC tower and beach chairs. I also plan on using it to carry portable grills when I go tailgating this football season. The strap comes in two different sizes — the standard 6-ft. (which I have) and an XL strap that’s 8ft.


(6 ft.)
Available from Amazon

(8 ft.)
Also from Amazon

-- Brian Donovan 11/18/20

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