Tim Ferriss, Author of “The 4-Hour-Week”

Cool Tools Show 058: Tim Ferriss
Note to Cool Tools Show listeners: We are taking a break from podcasting this week, so we don’t have a new episode. Instead, we invite you to listen to our July 6, 2016 episode with author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss. Thanks and we’ll be back next week. — MF
Our guest this week is Tim Ferriss. He’s an entrepreneur, angel investor, and public speaker, and the author of several best-selling books, including “The 4-Hour Workweek,” “The 4-Hour Body,” and “The 4-Hour Chef.”
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Show notes:
Yellowtec iXm Mic ($760)
“I use [this mic] for a lot of podcasting on the go, recording intros. I’ve used it in airplane bathrooms, in parks. I’ve used it while walking. That, in a lot of respects, explains why it is so useful. … It is a completely self-contained mic and recording system. In other words, you don’t have all these separate components. It looks like a thick hand microphone. It’s from Germany. … It’s just incredibly pristine audio that I use for just about everything. … I don’t know technically why it produces such good audio. In fact, I’ve had audio engineers look at the specs, and they will also ask me, in some cases, if they’re editing my stuff, “Which studio did you record this in?” I’ll say, “I was actually walking down the sidewalk, like a sandwich in 1 hand, recording this on the way to the park.” It just blows their mind.”
“[StillTasty.com] will help you determine if something’s still safe to eat or not. … There’s a search box, and you just type in whatever comes to mind. … It was recommended to me by a number of food scientists and chefs. It doesn’t mean that it’s based on good data, but I’ll put it this way. I’ve given myself food poisoning more than a few times. I have not suffered a bout of food poisoning since using this website. Perhaps it’s just a level of artificial comfort that I seek that I now have with it.”
Voodoo Floss ($9-$30)
“It’s called Voodoo Floss because it is used to help fix or minimize pain symptoms related to soft tissue and soft-tissue injuries. In my case, I have tendonitis in both elbows, because I’m trying to learn gymnastics with a very intense coach. … This is where we get to the name. There is compression. There’s an aspect of potentially myofascial release … there are so many factors at play that they just say, “It’s voodoo.” … What I like about it is that it literally fits in the palm of my hand when it’s rolled up, so this, along with the mic, I can throw into a backpack.”
Mushroom Coffee ($12, 10 count)
“Mushroom coffee is effectively exactly what it sounds like. It is coffee with mushrooms in it. In this case, it has coffee, so instant coffee, about 40 milligrams of caffeine in a full packet, which is very low. Generally speaking, a cup of espresso might have 80 milligrams. A really strong cup of coffee might have 150 milligrams. This is 40, but it’s combined with different types of mushrooms and substances….It has, in my case, a very profound cognitive effect. This has been something that I am using as a cognitive tool and just experimental food right now, which I’m fond of.”