Paper World

Tri-Conderoga Executive Pencil

Thick, three-sided No.2

After elementary school, I didn’t use pencils much — until I started blogging. I keep my list of posts on a small notepad and I do so in pencil because the time and day of my posts change constantly. I’d always been a big fan of standard Dixons, but recently discovered their Tri-Conderoga. Unlike a standard-sized pencil in the vein of the previously-reviewed Derwent 3B, the Tri-Conderoga has a triangular shape and an increased girth, which make it nicely ergonomic, relaxing in the hand and very satisfying to use. After several weeks of daily use, I like using them even more.The satiny finish is lagniappe.

One negative: It’s so large it doesn’t fit in my Panasonic battery-powered sharpener. However, when you buy a box of 12, Dixon supplies a larger-bore hand-held sharpener. Bonus: when it gets shorter as you use/sharpen it, the pencil handles much better and is less annoying than a stubby regular pencil. Thus, I tend to use these longer before breaking in a new one.

-- Joseph Stirt 01/15/09

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