
Used Cardboard Boxes Ordered Online


Cheaper cardboard boxes

Prior to a recent apartment move our movers suggested this service for discount moving boxes, and I’m glad they did. This company purchases box stock in bulk from commercial businesses and resells them in various size combinations for residential moving and storage. I was a little concerned about how “used” the boxes I ordered would be, but they showed up in 3 days in pretty much like-new condition. I could see the marks from where the old packaging tape was removed, and the logos of the companies the boxes came from were printed on all the boxes I got.

That aside, the quality and strength of the boxes were better than what I would have gotten from Home Depot or somewhere similar, which is really the thing that mattered most for us.

With the free shipping, the average price of the medium and large boxes I ordered was about half of what I would have paid otherwise.

Added bonus: the box the boxes were shipped in worked perfectly for moving our flat-screen TV too!

CleanShot 2021-03-17 at 13.00.20

-- Rayan Parikh 03/18/21

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