
Veken French Press


Almost unbreakable French press coffee maker

I’ve owned probably six French presses. All glass, all eventually broken. I am, perhaps, not the most un-clumsy guy.

In my search for an alternative, I found the Veken 34 oz French Press. Stainless steel, insulated, and dishwasher safe. After a few days, I was smitten.

Practically, it works like any other French press, but the coffee stays far hotter for far longer. It is very well constructed and withstood an accidental knock-over on a granite counter. I have no fear of a drop from the counter to the floor. Unless I decide to get clumsy with a hammer, it will last a lifetime. It shipped with replacement screens, something I’ve never had a press last long enough to worry about. After 7 months of daily use, it has no discernible wear. I don’t suppose I will ever purchase a replacement, and with the build quality, I don’t suppose I’ll ever need to.

-- Steve McAllister 08/19/21

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