Web Resizer/Small parts storage/Linkclump

Recomendo: issue no. 110
Fast photo resizing
Upload any image to Web Resizer and shrink it to a manageable size. You can also round the corners, tint or sharpen the image, or apply other filters. It’s faster than Photoshop, and free. — MF
Small parts storage
My preferred system for storing lots of small parts (screws, Legos) in my workshop or studio is a multi-bin case. Many brands (Sortimo, Stanley, Amazon) made these at different price points but the form is similar. The clear lid of the flat case opens to a grid of different sized bins, which can be moved around to suit the contents. The cheapest ones, good enough for me, are 20-bin Storage Cases from Harbor Freight for $9. I have 20 of these trays stacked in a rack. — KK
Open all links at once
With the Linkclump extension I can drag and select all the links on one page and open them up all at once. It’s a real timesaver when I’m proofreading and need to make sure all the embedded links redirect to the right places. — CD
Ingenious amateur film
This cool 9-min video story, Fire in Cardboard City, is enjoyable in itself, but I really like it because the creator hacked an Xbox Kinect to do extremely low-budget motion-capture that looks great, proving how far amateurs can go today in film. — KK
Keep champagne fresh longer
I love drinking sparkling wine, but unless I have guests over it takes me 4-5 days to get through a bottle. I’ve tried a few different champagne stoppers, and this Fantes Champagne Stopper is the best designed. Others have broken or don’t seal as tight. Even on the fifth day, my champagne will still be bubbly. — CD
Perfect pie crusts
This wooden rolling pin ($20) comes with four pairs of discs that attach to either end, ensuring uniformly thick dough. We’ve used them for pizza, quiches, pies, and cookies and love the results. — MF