What’s in my NOW? — Jennifer S.
issue #165
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I am an econometrician working in the Pharma industry, finding trends and patterns in the chaos of data. I exercise my creative muscles by playing the ukulele and hosting a regular online Flash Fiction Meetup.

- My ElizabethW flaxseed hot/cold pack. Two minutes in the microwave for a warm delight that helps me get to sleep at night. It is larger than an eyemask and the perfect length and weight to soothe. I rest it on my stomach when I’m having tummy issues, or down my back when I’m feeling chilled.
- Don’t call it a fanny pack! It is a hiking pack I wear around my waist. Supersized so it can carry water, keys, phone, beanie, sunscreen, bug spray, gloves and more. Very durable. And won’t move when cinched tight. Super long strap so I can wear it over a t-shirt or even a puffy vest. Lots of pockets.
- I’ve moved on to an advanced foam roller: The Rumbleroller. Spiky. It sat under my bed, scaring me, for about a year before I worked it into my morning stretching routine. But now I can’t go back to the plain, smooth version. It has helped me work through knee issues and hip issues and just-getting-old issues.
- Insight Timer! I have meditated 811 days in a row (and counting) because of Insight Timer! Wonderful mix of guided meditations from teachers from around the world. I go for the secular, breath-and-body focused ones, instead of the more spiritual or love-and-kindness ones. And they have a great selection of music tracks that help me concentrate when working.
- 6 Nimmt game on BoardGameArea. A deceptively simple card placement game that I play online with complete strangers. Helps me wind down after a stressful day.
- An icebreaker that my team has been using to start meetings: FISS. “What is something Funny, Interesting, Silly, or Surprising that you’ve seen, or has happened to you, since we last spoke?” It is quick, leads to great conversations, and gets people smiling before we get into the meat of the meeting.
12/27/23What’s in your NOW?
We want to know what’s in your now — a list of 6 things that are significant to you now — 3 physical, 2 digital and 1 invisible.
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