
World’s coolest streets/theft-proof bags/5 hours by train

Nomadico issue #19

A weekly newsletter with four quick bites, edited by Tim Leffel, author of A Better Life for Half the Price and The World’s Cheapest Destinations.

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The World’s Coolest Streets?
TimeOut surveyed 20,000 city dwellers to find the coolest streets in the world. I had just spent the day walking along one of them (in Medellin) when I saw this, but it turns out I’ve only explored a fraction of the rest in my travels.

Theft-proof Travel Bags
My wife has walked the streets and ridden public transportation in dozens of countries over the course of decades without ever being robbed. This is the result of one part luck, one part street smarts, and one part gear smarts. On that last point, her “purse” of choice is a small bag from Pacsafe that is very hard to get into and has a slash-proof shoulder strap. The company also makes backpacks and luggage with loads of security features and most are available on Amazon.

Getting Your Finances in Order
This article from Schwab is a good basic summary of what you need to be thinking about financially before moving abroad if you’re American. The tax section is especially worth heeding to avoid paying the governments in two places. (Also, as mentioned in an earlier edition, if you have an account with Schwab you can get a fee-free ATM debit card that even rebates the local charges. I have a similar one from Fidelity.)

5 Hours by Train
This strangely specific map website will show you what’s within a 5-hour train ride from different cities in Europe. You can go quite far from Paris or Milan, but the best traveler choice might be Vienna: from there you can reach Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, Munich, and bits of Poland and Slovenia. See


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