What's in My Bag

What’s in my NOW? — Spencer E.

Issue #144

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I’m a lawyer, dog-dad, step-dad, runner, reader, music-lover, whiskey enthusiast, and aspiring traveler. Also, I’m a Diet Coke guy. I should probably sleep more.


ChuckIt! Ball Launcher — I have a two year old border collie named Marley. He is the most active, energetic, and loyal creature I’ve ever met. The only thing he loves more than following me around is playing fetch…and he could go for HOURS. To prevent my shoulder and elbow from giving out early, I bought one of these and it has provided Marley and me countless hours of fun, play, and bonding time. Gamechanger.

A friendly doormat — I bought this after it was recommended in another newsletter I follow. At first I thought it was cheesy, then I realized that it actually is quite amazing … the subtle boost of confident you can provide your guests just by having them look at something when they come knock on your door. Try it sometime.

noCow Protein Bars — these plant-based, vegan protein bars are 1) delicious, 2) filling, and 3) always in my bag. I love them.

Concert Tickets — Music is huge for me and this summer I’ve gone to at least one outdoor concert a week. Yes, the digital concert ticket marketplaces SUCK (I’m looking at you TicketMaster!) and the fees are insane; but by the time I am in the middle of a crowd of people vibing to the music in the warm summer night air, I don’t care. At least four times this summer I’ve attended a concert for a band I’ve known only one or two songs, and now these bands are some of my favorites. Go to a concert. Support local artists. Live mas. This concert slapped.

The Always Sunny Podcast — a recap podcast from the creators of my favorite TV show, except they spend each podcast barely talking about the episode of the TV show they are supposed to be recapping and instead ramble about people cutting in line at drive-thrus, whiskey, pooping habits, and football. It’s fantastic and always makes me smile.

No is a complete sentence.” — I have made it a personal goal for myself this year to be more authentic and to be more of “myself”. As part of that, I have found that I’ve needed to set more intentional boundaries with myself and others. In doing so, I have discovered the power of saying “no” and refusing to give excuses if they are not needed (and usually they aren’t!). I’m very busy and work can quickly get in the way of life…so telling people “No” to going out so I can stay home and recharge by myself is very essential to me. Initially, I got pushback, or friends complaining to me and trying to convince me otherwise…but I stood my ground and now people in my life know that I will be in a much better mood if I do what I want, when I want. Try it sometime 🙂

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