
EasiYo Yogurt Maker


Non-electric yogurt maker

When I started to try making my own yogurt – around 45 years ago – it was a case of trying several methods, each of which fell foul of messy, expensive or poor results, or other factors in similar categories.

About 10 years ago I came across EasiYo. I’ve used it ever since. Initially it looked pricey, but over time I’ve realized it is good value. Indeed, if you were to use only the sachets of dried milk and dormant cultures which EasyYo sells – which makes very nice yogurt – it would be expensive nice yogurt.

But the idea is brilliant! The key bit of kit is the insulated flask which is used to control the temperature of the dried milk and cultures and water mixed. It takes about 5 minutes to set it to work, and 24 hours later you get about a kilo of very nice yogurt.

The modification: Always on the look out for making things more cheaply, I have substituted the dried milk in the sachet with the cheapest dried milk available at my local supermarket. About 12 tablespoons of this. For the yogurt culture, I add a dessert spoon of the yogurt in my fridge as the starter. That’s it. Lovely yogurt, even better value, cheaper. Every so often, say after 12 or 15 iterations, I make a “new” yogurt using an EasyYo sachet (my favorite is natural Greek yogurt), but this is a matter of personal taste.

Additional note: As a bread maker for about as long as I have been trying to make yogurt, I have found this yogurt to be a great addition / substitute for liquid in the initial process.


-- Wynn Rees 08/17/15

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