2021 Holiday Gift Guide: Claudia’s picks

Three things to help cultivate meaning
Last year, I made a shopping list of everything that made me happy in 2020. This year I have been trying to be less of a consumer, so I only have three things that I would recommend as gifts, and each one helps to cultivate meaning and gratitude in my life.
The Moon Lists Workbooks
The Moon List workbook ($10) is an 18-month guided journal that I previously recommended. There is now a second volume, The Moon Lists Workbook 02 ($28), which is similar in format but with a new visual flow and different prompts to inspire you to reflect, expand and discover new insights about yourself. I write in both. My favorite prompts are the ones that ask me to make lists, like what would I like to move toward and away from, or when I list recent experiences through of each of my senses: sight, smells, tastes, sounds and touch. These workbooks help to push my inner life to the forefront of my mind.
Blessing Cards ($12)
Blessings cards are less like an oracle deck and more like a tool for setting positive intentions for your day. There are 210 two-inch cards, each with a different word. All the words serve as catalysts to help guide or create meaning for your day. Some of the words I’ve pulled recently are: Yielding, Synchronicity, Excellence, Delight, Creativity, Openness, Unknown and Trust. I like to draw two at a time which adds another dimension of meaning. These cards have only benefited my life. They inspire acts of gratitude, courage, closeness and help to break me out of rigid thinking.
Wall Calendars ($15)
I love wall calendars. I keep one right by my desk. I don’t use it to log daily tasks, so some of the days are always left empty. When I look over at it, it orients me in time and serves as a visual reminder of my life’s progress. I get blissful satisfaction when I cross off the day with a permanent black marker. I keep my old wall calendars and repurpose them to make collages and hand-bound books. My favorite time of year is getting to choose what theme my next year calendar will be. 2020 was the year of Alphonse Mucha, this year was The Reading Woman, and 2022 will be about Celestial Journeys. Calendars.com is the best place to find calendars based on format, category or artwork. If you buy a calendar, Paper Mate Flair Felt Tip Pens are a must for writing on them and for getting creative.