
David Pescovitz, Co-editor of Boing Boing

11/9/16 Picks and shownotes

Paolo Salvagione, Visual Artist

10/27/16 Picks and shownotes

Ron Hale-Evans, Author of Mind Performance Hacks

10/13/16 Picks and shownotes

Luke Khanlian, Long Now Clock Engineer

09/20/16 Picks and shownotes

Tim O’Reilly, Founder of O’Reilly Media

09/10/16 Picks and shownotes

Jerry Michalski, Founder of REX

08/30/16 Picks and shownotes

Star Simpson, Electronics Designer

08/4/16 Picks and shownotes

Hugh Howey, best-selling author

07/30/16 Picks and shownotes

Tim Ferriss, Author of “The 4-Hour-Week”

07/6/16 Picks and shownotes

Adam Savage, co-host of Mythbusters

06/24/16 Picks and shownotes

Brian Brushwood, Host of Scam School  

06/8/16 Picks and shownotes

Dan Benjamin, Founder of 5by5

05/24/16 Picks and shownotes

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