
ColorKu/Die with Zero/Weird Old Book Finder


Recomendo: issue no. 290

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Like Sudoku, but with colors
ColorKu is a nice looking wooden game board, with holes that hold colored wooden marbles in nine different colors. Game play is just like Sudoku, but this version makes it fun to play with others. It comes with about 100 starting problems, but you can use any Sudoku problems by assigning each color a number. I gave this to my sister for her birthday and she loves it, too. — MF

You should die broke
To maximize your life enjoyment, you should die with no money left over. Spend your money while you can get the most experiences from it, not when you are old. Give away what you are going to give away (to kids or charity) while you can enjoy and direct it, and when it makes the most difference to the receiver. That’s the well-reasoned, persuasive argument of this book, Die with Zero. (The message is similar to Die Broke, a book that I have recommended in the past, but Die with Zero is much better in its explanation,  and practical advice on how to balance your account to zero.) Everyone should consider this positively affirming strategy. It’s been life-changing for me. — KK

Weird Old Book Finder
Clive Thompson created this search tool for weird old books in an attempt to rewild our attention. It only finds books one at a time and in the public domain, which you can download. I found this 1901 copy of Studies of Trees in Winter, which is actually a book I came across in a Berkeley library years ago and have been searching for. I also discovered this — definitely weird — rare manuscript titled The Complex Vision by poet/philosopher John Cowper Powys. I love tools like these that help me break free from the same old internet loop. — CD

Best spa tablets
Every evening for the past 20 years I do a short dip in our hot tub just outside our bedroom doors. The totality of my maintenance for the hot tub consists of adding one bromide tablet per week. That is all I do. Having tried different tabs over the years, the best ones are Clorox Spa Brominating Tablets. They give consistent clarity and have the least smell. The water is almost odorless. — KK

3 simple ways to exercise your brain
Stanford creativity expert Sarah Stein Greenberg contributed this short write-up on brain exercises to flex your creative muscles. What stood out to me was Seeing where she suggests finding a photograph capturing scenes of life with multiple subjects and lots of details and answer the following questions: What’s going on in the picture? What do you see that makes you say that? What else do you see? What do you see that makes you say that? — and then repeat, over and over again form multiple perspectives. The other 2 exercises are Shadowing and Studying the solution that already exists. Read the full article here. — CD

52 things Jason Kottke learned in 2022
“The number of people born in Antarctica (11) is fewer than the number of people who have walked on the Moon (12).” That’s just one of 52 surprising things blogger Jason Kottke included in his year-end post.  Here’s another: “Cannabis delivery isn’t legal in Maine, so this enterprising online shop employs ‘psychics’ to ‘find a wide selection of your lost weed and drop it off at your home.’” — MF

-- Kevin Kelly, Mark Frauenfelder, Claudia Dawson 02/6/22

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