
Polder Thermometer/Timer

Versatile kitchen timer/thermometer

The Polder timer/thermometer features a 43-inch cord running from the thermometer to the probe, which allows you to take active readings without opening the oven. I really like being able to adjust the cook time or reset the finish temperature on the fly. Plus, there’s a magnet on the back, so you can attach the thermometer to the side of the oven.

The Polder also allows you to preset a desired high/low temperature simultaneously. When either temperature is reached, the unit’s beeping alarm sounds. It’s helpful for remembering to check on liquids and meats. My 8-year-old son has even used ours to check the temperature outside: You can insert the metal probe underneath your window, and it’s quite accurate.

The timer, which counts up or down, is very handy for a range of other household uses, such as, “You have three minutes to pick up your room before I come in with a trash bag that’s headed for Goodwill!” Best of all, the thermometer is amazingly durable. We’ve had ours for at least four years and have dropped it many times.

Lastly, it can be set to display in Celsius or Fahrenheit, which proved to be a huge help when we spent some time living in Ireland. I had my American recipe books and was able to use the Polder thermometer to convert temperatures for a Celsius-based oven.

-- Ginger Cooper 10/15/09

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