Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover

Rids porcelain bowls of rust and lime build-up
Rust stains on porcelain toilets can be really hard to remove. When a household scouring pad won’t do the trick, don’t go straight to the hydrochloric acid. Get a pumice stone like the Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover. It’s like a magic eraser for rust. Don’t let the name fool you, it’s not just for rings. I had a nasty rust deposit at the bottom of my bowl. I had previously tried Comet, steel wool, and CLR — all to no avail. But 30 seconds of gentle rubbing with the Pumie, and the stain was gone. No damage done to the porcelain surface of the commode, either. The Pumie looks like a rock, but it is actually quite light and porous. Its surface wears down as you rub with it, allowing you to get into tough spots such as the inlet holes below the lip of the bowl. It is well worth having one of these around!
10/12/16Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover ($9)