
Simplehuman Flip-Top Dishrack

Expandable premium dish air-dryer

I’ll admit it takes a fanatic to appreciate an $80 dishrack when you can get a plastic one for just a few bucks. But if anyone can design a superior, beautiful and functional kitchen product that many folks usually don’t think twice about, it’s Simplehuman.

Made of stainless steel with ABS plastic parts, this dishrack can handle pretty much anything you toss at it. The “flip-top” allows you to make room for larger pots and pans. The “dual direction” draining mat actually works. A bamboo knife block inserts into part of the utensil holder, but still leaves space for other utensils and tools. The cup holders along the edges will dry four at a time. And there are even two additional clip-on holders specially designed to accomodate wine glasses.

I first used the dishrack while visiting my sister. Both my wife and I were amazed at how good design can improve an everyday tool. I hunted down and ordered one as soon as we got home!

-- Aaron Ebata 09/16/05

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