
Fiskars SewSharp Scissors Sharpener

Cheap, disposable scissors sharpener

Shaped like a worry stone, this low-tech scissors sharpener features a ceramic whetstone piece set in plastic. The tiny tool (about the size of a poker chip) is designed specifically for the user to sharpen the two blades simultaneously, a process that’s safe and controlled due to its design. The textured tab is to be held between thumb and forefinger. Mounted inside is a small ceramic rod that serves as the whetstone. One blade is inserted below the rod and the other above. As you draw both blades through, the open scissors close themselves. The previously reviewed Jiff V Sharpener might be the best all-around inexpensive sharpener for the home — it can handle knives and the blade is replaceable — but it’s still too big to keep in crowded or small spaces. The SewSharp is perfect for an office desk or sewing kit. It also costs half as much as the Jiff V, so you can buy multiples to stash in crafts kits, tool drawers, and scrapbooking boxes. The life of the ceramic rod is not indefinite, so I’d recommend buying more than one anyway.

-- Anne Morris 07/12/18

(This is a Cool Tools Favorite from 2007 — editors)


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