Tory Belleci, Mythbusters

Cool Tools Show 43: Tory Belleci, Mythbusters
Tory Belleci is best known as the daredevil of MythBusters, and can build just about anything. He has worked with Industrial Light and Magic on films such as: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. The Federation battleships and podracers are some of Belleci’s pieces.
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Show Notes:
GoPro Hero4, $380
“It’s remarkable. … [The video] never degrades. It looks amazing. You can project it and it still looks amazing. … It’s been an important tool for our show and a new show. Kari and I are doing a new show on Travel Channel and we’re riding roller coasters. They don’t let big, giant cameras on the roller coasters so they have to put GoPros all over the ride for them to get the shot. I feel like GoPro has really changed the playing field for video making or filmmaking.”
Canon EOS 5D, $2,500
“If this camera had existed when we were in film school, it would have been like ‘Oh my gosh. We have no excuses now. Let’s go make film. Let’s go make a movie, because you have this compact camera that’s pretty affordable’ … It’s very affordable, but the quality that you get — it’s pretty mind-blowing. … Another cool advantage — if you’re trying to film something and stay incognito and not draw a lot of attention to what you’re doing — The 5D is great for that.”
Phantom 3 Professional Quadcopter Drone with 4K, $1,200
“Before, if you wanted to get an aerial shot, you had to hire a pilot. You had to hire a helicopter and those guys could be charging a thousand dollars an hour. With the drone, you instantly turn your production into a professional looking production … The footage comes back and you’re just like, it looks like we had a helicopter.”
Final Cut Pro Premiere, $300
“… Now you’ve got all this footage. You got all this amazing shots, what do you do with it? You take it into Final Cut Pro and now you have a professional own Post House on your desktop, in your laptop. … It’s the most incredible tool for a filmmaker because … you can quickly make changes and you can try different combinations of stuff to see what works and it if doesn’t work, you just erase it and start over.”