Bright, oil/kerosene-powered lighting
Customizable spiral bound journal
REM-enabling black out eye wear
Luxurious, simple everyday brewer
Protective AM/FM headphones
Analog nasal fuzz remover
Quick-zip, heavy-duty footwear
Unobtrusive timepiece for Yoga/Meditation
Classic ceramic smoker/bbq
Utility vest w/built-in back support
One-handed towel dispenser
Hands-free illumination & eyeball shield
Photographic exploration of the abyss
Affordable robotic mopping
Handle-with-care case for care packages
Pocket-sized driver/Allen set
Although my name sits above, someone else has been editing Cool Tools for the past 12 months. Steven Leckart has …
Digital, wrist-based vascular gauge
Easy-to-swallow supplements
Guide for pamphlet printing
Lightweight, packable sacks
TSA-safe travel shave soap
Theft-deterring tourist sack
Ultra-light, packable head warmth