

Tweezerman Tweezers

Never-fail sharp tweezers

img 04/27/20

Cheap Surgical Brushes

Great for scrubbing vegetables and cleaning fingernails

img 04/9/20

Invisible Glove

Poison oak and poison ivy skin barrier

img 04/2/20

Excelta Tweezers

Superb robust tweezer for general purposes

img 03/3/20


Shoot pesky flies with a pinch of table salt

img 11/13/19

High Density Foam Rollers

Post Workout Massage Tool

img 10/31/19

Trauma Shears

Inexpensive plastic and sheet metal cutter

img 10/16/19


Better bandage

img 10/2/19

MAX-1 Foam Earplugs

High noise reduction

img 10/1/19

Back Scrubber

Scrubs hard-to-reach areas

img 08/16/19

Tick Key

Always handy tick remover

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