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Cool tools really work.
A cool tool can be any book, gadget, software, video, map, hardware, material, or website that is tried and true. All reviews on this site are written by readers who have actually used the tool and others like it. Items can be either old or new as long as they are wonderful. We post things we like and ignore the rest. Suggestions for tools much better than what is recommended here are always wanted.
Mary Lucia Darst founded ClefRights, a music publishing and technology startup. She holds a DPhil (PhD) in Music from the University of Oxford and is a member of St Hilda’s College. She is an avid polyglot and speaks twelve languages to varying degrees of fluency.
A broken PenBBS 489 - The 489 is a vacuum-filler fountain pen that's one of my personal favourites to use, but the finial has come off. All my attempts to reattach it have failed, but I leave it on my desk and fiddle with it between calls.
Traveler's Company brass pencil case - my desk doesn't have any drawers, so I use the pencil case to keep track of small objects, such as USB drives, ink cartridges, erasers, etc.
Assorted books - currently on my desk are Lord Chesterfield's Letters to His Son, Chocolate Wars: From Cadbury to Kraft: 200 Years of Sweet Success and Bitter Rivalry by Deborah Cadbury, Barbarossa: And the Bloodiest War in History by Stewart Binns, and The Right It: Why So Many Ideas Fail and How to Make Sure Yours Succeed by Alberto Savoia
LibraryThing - I prefer LibraryThing to GoodReads for tracking and cataloguing my books.
When I was in my doctoral programme, I realised that my health was crucial. I'm counting it as invisible because when everything is working, one never notices it.