Esports vs. Conventional Sports in Revenues
Extrapolate total revenues for esports vs. total revenues for conventional sports
Source for Esports Revs:
BizInsider, March 2017
citing New Zoo
Source for NHL Revs:
Source for Esports Revs:
BizInsider, March 2017
citing New Zoo
Sources for Big 5 Revs:
PwC Sports Outlook, October 2015 (for 2010-2011)
PwC Sports Outlook, October 2017 (for 2012-2021)
CC’s creation notes:
Excel file in One Cloud: Esports-vs-NHL-Rev-Extrapolations.xls
Chart photos in DropBox: Esports-vs-NHL-growth-curves.png
cc-wfh-notes – official-future – flip-point-charts
Using “Growth Trend” values projections in Excel
Select at least two cells that contain the starting values for the trend.
Hold down the right mouse button, drag the fill handle in the direction that you want to fill with increasing values or decreasing values, release the mouse button, and then click Growth Trend on the shortcut menu.
Resource for creating highlights on flip-points