Securely locks any standard light switch in the on or off position
Cool Tools Show 055: Dan Benjamin
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A 5-ounce washing machine
Lubricant for any combination of metals, plastic and wood
Simplest way to calculate who owes what
Cool Tools Show 054: Jane Metcalfe
Air insulation prevents top sheet from overheating which prevents burning
Plastic drop cloth with adhesive tape
A metro light-rail system commuter opens his daily urban bag for us
Great for soldering projects
Large non-return exhaust valve for reduced user fatigue
Keep your arms warm with thermal fleece fabric sleeves
Cool Tools Show 053: Chris Anderson
Covers cut fruits and veggies, and opened jars and cans
Paint that sticks to plastic
Useful tips for parents of young kids
Baking pan retains heat and won’t rust
Allows oxygen to flow through organic kitchen waste, reducing odors
Pick made from high density wool and cotton material
Best fishing gear for backcountry hiking trips
Slicing and chopping kitchen knife
Cool Tools Show 052: Joshua Schachter
Control garden hose flow from the end you are holding
Protect your hands against heat while cooking, baking, or BBQing
Cool Tools Show 051: Rose Eveleth
Multi-purpose sliding hammer tool
Rugged adjustable flashlight