The heaviest, sturdiest cat litter scoop
Cool Tools Show 239: Angela Eaton
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #57
What’s in my bag? issue #62
Best Portable Welding Table
Cool Tools Show 238: Jennifer Robbins
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #56
Containers in a variety of sizes use the same lid
What’s in my bag? issue #61
Single blade knife with rotating lock
Short pieces of advice from books
This peeler will save you a lot of time and skinned fingers
Hammerless action ensures accuracy & precision
Cool Tools Show 237: Stephen Dubner
Magnetic Latch Leatherman
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #55
What’s in my bag? issue #60
Made to cut on the pull stroke rather than on the push stroke
Cool Tools Show 236: Cooper Bates
Squeeze a lot of juice with ease
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #54
What’s in my bag? issue #59
Fast dice game with simple rules
Carson MagniTouch 3x Touch Activated LED Lighted Stand Loupe