Cool Tools Show 235: Matt Mullenweg
What’s in my bag? issue #58
Close wounds without sutures
Incra 12″ Marking Rule Set
High-output pepper processor
Cool Tools Show 234: Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
Protects against mud and burrs
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #53
Measures outside diameter, inside diameter, and depth
What’s in my bag? issue #57
Short pieces of advice from books
Unstick stuck doors, windows, and drawers
For precision cutting jobs of various matierials
Cool Tools Show 233: Len Cullum
Scrapes burnt food from pots and pans
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #52
“With the Chemex, even a moron can make good coffee.”
What’s in my bag? issue #56
Cool Tools Show 232: Josh Glenn
Short pieces of advice from books
How to decapitate strawberries with the push of a button
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #51
Angled surface lets you read measurements from above