Krylon Easy-Tack Adhesive Spray
What’s in my bag? issue #42
Cool Tools Show 218: Cory Doctorow
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #38
Easy to put on sports bra
What’s in my bag? issue #41
Low price, foolproof shower mirror is small enough to travel with
Cool Tools Show 217: Olga Khazan
Make use of all the outlets on a powerstrip
What’s in my bag? issue #40
Cool Tools Show 216: Amber Mac
The best way to start a charcoal barbecue
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #37
What’s in my bag? issue #39
Garlic press handles unpeeled cloves and ginger
Short pieces of advice from books
Shoot pesky flies with a pinch of table salt
Make square holes for fuse holders, switches, indicator lamps, etc.
Cool Tools Show 215: Quinn Cummings
Erasable pen uses heat to make the writing disappear
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #36
Great for occasional shavers