Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #104
What’s in my … ? issue #131
Write in white on dark surfaces
Cool Tools Show 307: Wendy Frauenfelder
Tasty toothpaste for kids and adults
What’s in my … ? issue #130
Push and click hose adaptors
Cool Tools Lab Show or Share #2
Cool Tools Show 306: Windell Oskay
Gift suggestions from Cool Tools’ alum
Gareth’s Tips, Tools, and Shop Tales – Issue #103
What’s in my … ? issue #129
Eyeglass holder for shirts with no pocket
Three things to help cultivate meaning
Cool Tools Show 305: Carol Tilley
Prevents silverware and other larger items from slipping into drain
What’s in my … ? issue #128
Better than a power strip
Cleans delicate optical and hard to reach imaging surfaces