Lightweight and compact circular saw
Cheapest way to buy Lego bricks
A roundup of the best maker projects of the week
Fast and accurate pregnancy test for a fraction of the usual cost
Cool Tools Show 077: Tim Ferriss
Easily build a one-string canjo (tin banjo) instrument
Best self-betterment tips
Our weekly maker project update
Useful travel multi-tool that fits on a keychain
The Annotated Build-it Yourself Science Laboratory
Cool Tools Show 076: Nick Bilton
High intensity interval trainer
For indelible writing on dark glossy surfaces
Records 1,000 hours as MP3 files
Insanely sharp chef knife
The latest in tips and maker projects from around the world
Best dust respirator for people with facial hair
Stops leaks under pressure without turning off the water source
Use to stabilize and level various objects
Slotted turning blade flips delicate foods
This week’s look at the latest maker projects